Common elements

All ProtoBuf interfaces share a pattern which is used to build the APIs upon: all messages are extensions of a base Message.

Each message has a code attribute, whose value comes from an interface-specific Message::Code enum. The value of code uniquely identifies the message being sent or received.

If a Message needs to pass additional parameters or data along with the code, extensions are used to achieve this.


package sf.core.protocol.PROTOCOL;

message Message {
  enum Code { ... }

  required Code   code = 1;
  optional string correlation_id = 2;
  extensions 50 to max;

Message attributes

sf.core.protocol.PROTOCOL package The namespace for messages and extentions in the protocol
code Message::Code Identifier of the message being sent
correlation_id string Identifier of the context this message is part of


The container for exchanged messages. Set code and extensions as needed.

Daemon and Manager

The daemon uses protocol buffers to inform the manager of changes to the core SnowFox processes (the spawner and the daemon itself).

See the full messages reference.

Daemon and Spawner

The daemon uses protocol buffers to inform the spawner of changes to the core SnowFox processes (the manager and the daemon itself).

See the full messages reference.

Manager and Spawner

The manager decides how to react to events from the user and the system. For security reasons, the manager should not run as a privileged process due to its complexity and the number of systems it interacts with.

To allow the manager to run as a non privileged process while keeping the ability to execute privileged actions when needed, the manager sends commands to the spawner requesting it to act on its behalf.

See the full messages reference.

Public API

In order to allow the user, as well as other systems, to interact with SnowFox, the public API was built.

See the full messages reference.