LUA interfaces available in the snow-fox-client.

Global names

The following names are available in the global scope.


Clears the terminal window and show the promp on the top line.


Prints the value argument. If value is a LUA table, pprint recursively prints the keys and their values.


Prints the given arguments, separating them with a \t (TAB).

The client object

Commands that interact with the client are availale through the client global object.


Causes the client to exit cleanly.


Returns a LUA table with the client version information. The table has the following fields:

Field Type Decription Example
number String Client’s SemVer 0.0.3
hash String Git hash ece936dd1f349fd9d0b31dbb9098cb204e5e8ff5
taint String Git state at build time git index tainted

The node object

snow-fox-client connects to a snow-fox node at start time. The node global object allows to interact with the specific node connected at start up.

node:status(callback[, details])

Requests the status of the node.

When the node returns the status information, the callback is invoked with the result converted into a LUA table.

If the optional details argument is set to true (defaults to false) then the node includes detailed information about itself.