The SnowFox manager binary. Priviledged unit of SnowFox, deals with operations that require root.
snow-fox-spawner should not be called directly, let the daemon do it!

Inter-Process communication

Configure how daemon, manager, and spawner talk to each other.

--spawner_manager_socket: socket file to connect manager and spawner

Type String
Default /var/run/snow-fox-manager-spawner.socket

Manager and Spawner use UNIX sockets to exchange protocol buffer messages. The path to the UNIX socket can be specified with this option.

--spawner_socket: socket file to connect daemon and spawner

Type String
Default /var/run/snow-fox-spawner.socket

Daemon and Spawner use UNIX sockets to exchange protocol buffer messages. The path to the UNIX socket can be specified with this option.


Miscellaneous options.

--help: show available options

Print the list of available options and parameters and exits.

--Version: show version and exit

Print the version of the binary and exits.