

SnowFox as a whole is licensed as documented above.

When SnowFox or one of its dependencies uses a GPL-licensed module, the final result can be licensed under SnowFox’s license above instead.

See for details.


SnowFox is built on top of many great Open Source projects. I strongly encourage you to check them out!!!

SnowFox core

  • Google Flags: command line parsing for C/C++
  • LibGit2: portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods.
  • Lua: a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language.
  • Ncurses: a software emulation of curses in System V Release 4.0 (SVr4), and more.
  • PoolQueue: C++ Asynchronous Promises, inspired by Promises/A+.
  • Protocol Buffers: a mechanism for serializing structured data.
  • Readline: provides a set of functions for use by applications that allow users to edit command lines as they are typed in.

Build tools

  • CppCheck: a C/C++ static analysis tool.
  • CppLint: C++ linter (patched version included).
  • Gcovr: generate C/C++ code coverage (included).
  • Gnu Gcc: C/C++ compiler.
  • Google Test: a C++ test framework.
  • Graphviz: graph visualization software.
  • Grunt: a JavaScript task runner.
  • Node.js: a JavaScript runtime.
  • NPM: node’s package manager.
  • Protocol Buffers: a mechanism for serializing structured data.
  • Protobuf.js: a JavaScript compiler and runtime for protocol buffers.

Documentation & WebSite


SnowFox is at the very early stages of development. All the code is open source on GitHub and contains the instructions on how to set up a development environment.

Feel free to check out the repositories, make any changes, and open pull requests. Is you have any ideas or issues you can also open an issue.